How to Change default PHP version from cPanel?
Every applications has different needs as a developer selecting the best suitable PHP version for your hosting account is very important.
We at Sasta Servers believe in making your hosting account ‘Developer Friendly’. We have an amazing infrastructure powered by CloudLinux cPanel web hosting which makes it very easy for developers or website owners select PHP version of their choice depending upon coding requirements.
Below is the blog which will help you identify the settings to change the default PHP version in your cPanel hosting account.
Firstly you will have to login to your cPanel account provided by Sasta Servers or any other hosting provider.
We assume that now you have logged-in using cPanel login page (Just in case of Sasta Servers –
You should be able to see the dashboard of cPanel (varies depending on which cPanel theme is set as default). Now you see different sections in dashboard like Files, Databases, Domains, Email and Software.
As shown in the above screen shoot of the cPanel dashboard, you will find a section for Software (in paper_lantern) / Software and services (in X3 theme).
For paper_lantern cPanel Dashboard Theme
For X3 cPanel Dashboard Theme
You can see the RED mark section in each of cPanel theme which takes you to default PHP version selection.
Now you select default version of PHP for your cPanel Hosting.
Nice article 🙂